Some elements of the build, like the sliding trays for the bar and grill, were done by outside firms. Assisting them was yours truly, 33, along with 41-year-old fireman Ed Federkeil from Florida and Danny Webb, a hot-rod builder from Bouchard's in Hemet, California. The crew consisted of two experts-Kevin Kuenzie, 27, an audio man, and Todd Blandford, 42, a hydraulics expert. Plus, James ordered a full array of electronic goodies: a video-game system, a DVD player, and a satellite antenna. A gas grill, soda and beer dispensers, and a flat-screen TV also had to motor out from just two of the various openings. That meant both the tailgate and the two rear doors would open automatically. He explained that our project vehicle would automatically deploy all the necessary tailgate paraphernalia at the touch of one button. on a Tuesday-Jesse James was a day late, off figure-eight racing-then waited until 11:30 for him to appear and give us instructions. I'd rather turn a Corvette into a mud racer than make a $57,195 Cadillac Escalade ESV into a party tailgater. Unlike most of the show's wild projects, ours was pretty lame. And I supplied it in spades when I skillfully shattered a $1500 window.

Watching five guys work on a car does not make for Emmy-winning TV, so the 30-something producers on the set of Monster Garage try hard to create drama.